Author: Dr Sarah Brewer MSc (Nutr Med), MA (Cantab), MB, BChir, RNutr, MBANT, CNHC, FRSM Category: Health, Sexual Health, Women's Health

Dr Sarah Brewer advises how women can safely increase their sex drive

News that the FDA has approved the first prescription drug to treat low sex drive in U.S. women has raised awareness of this surprisingly common problem. Known as flibanserin, it won’t suit everyone as it has a potential for serious side effects – especially when combined with alcohol.  So what other measures are available for the 30% of middle-aged women, 60% of stressed female executives and 70% of postmenopausal women with low libido?

Take a Multivitamin & Mineral Supplement

A number of micronutrients are needed to regulate sexual responses, and these are often lacking in the diet – especially if you skip meals due to time pressure, or are cutting back to lose weight.  Check the supplement contains boron.  Try Healthspan MultiVitality Gold* and MultiVitality 50+*

It’s the minerals that are most important.  Boron is involved in sex hormone production and has been shown to raise blood levels of oestrogen and testosterone, especially in older women.  Increased intakes have been shown to boost testosterone levels within one week.  Chromium, magnesium, selenium and zinc deficiencies are also linked with lowered sex drive.  To boost dietary intakes, these are obtained from fruit, vegetables, nuts (especially Brazil nuts for selenium), seafood, beans and dark green leaves.

Increase Your Intake of Plant Hormones

Many plants contain oestrogen-like substances known as phytoestrogens.  The best known, isoflavones, are found in soybean products and members of the cabbage and turnip family of vegetables (eg broccoli, Chinese leaves, pak choy, radishes, kohl rabi), while lignans are obtained from sweet potato, beansprouts, chickpeas, lentils and seeds – especially flaxseed and pumpkin seeds.  Use edamame beans in soups, stews and bean salads – they are readily available frozen – and select breads and other products fortified with soy and seeds.  Soy milk and soy yoghurts are also easy ways to increase your intakes.  Isoflavone tablets and capsules are available with suggested doses of between 40mg to 100mg isoflavones a day.  If you use soy protein powder for shakes, 60g of soy protein provides 45mg isoflavones.

NB If you have a history of breast cancer, always follow your doctor’s advice about whether or not to take isoflavone supplements.  Although research suggests isoflavones are protective, some doctors prefer their patients not to take them.

Eat More Yoghurt

Plant hormones are mostly eaten in inactive forms which are broken down by certain intestinal bacteria to release the active components for absorption.  Those who possess good amounts of these beneficial bacteria are also able to metabolise one of the isoflavones, daidzein, to a more powerful oestrogen called equol.  Those who are equol-producers gain greater benefits form plant hormones than those who produce very little equol.  It’s therefore worth increasing your intake of prebiotic fibre and probiotic bacteria when changing to a phytoestrogen enriched diet.  Probiotic supplements are available, too.

Consider L-Arginine

L-Arginine is an amino acid that increases production of a nerve communication factor called nitric oxide (NO) which plays an important role during sexual arousal in both men and women.  L-Arginine supplements have been shown to improve all aspects of female sexuality including interest, arousal and satisfaction.  It can take up to six weeks for L-Arginine to produce an optimum effect.  Try Healthspan L-Arginine* and Pharma Nord Lady Prelox*

Boost Ovarian Function with Co-Enzyme Q10

Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is vitamin-like substance that is needed to generate energy in cells.  The amount you produce naturally, and the amount you absorb from your diet decreases with age and when cells do not receive all the energy they need, they function less efficiently. In the ovaries, low CoQ10 levels reduces sex hormone production and lowers fertility.  Supplements can reverse this effect to boost both sex drive and ovulation.

CoQ10 is especially helpful when low sex drive is linked with lack of energy, physical exhaustion, high blood pressure, heart problems, for those on statin medication, and for anyone aged 40 plus. It usually takes three weeks and occasionally up to three months before the full benefits are noticed. Dose: Ubiquinone form: 200mg daily; Ubiquinol form (more body ready) 100mg daily.  Try Healthspan Ubiquinol*

Consider Ginseng 

Ginseng has been revered as a revitalising and life-enhancing tonic for over 7000 years.  It contains a variety of hormone-like ginsenosides, which make up three to six percent of dry root weight.  At least 28 different ginsenosides which have been shown to have a preferential action on the testes, ovaries and brain. As a result, ginseng is a true pro-sexual supplement, especially helpful for those whose low sex drive is linked with stress, over-work, fatigue, or hormone imbalances such as those experienced around the menopause.  Dose: look for a supplement providing 30mg ginsenosides.  Try  Healthspan Panax Ginseng*  If you find Panax ginseng too stimulating, American ginseng has a more gentle action.  Ginseng is traditionally taken for 6 weeks, then stopped for 6 weeks before starting again.

NB Ginseng is not advised if you have high blood pressure or a history of an oestrogen dependent condition (cancer of the breast, ovaries or uterus).

If You Feel Low, St John’s Wort May Help

Loss of libido is one of the first biological symptoms of depression, and one of the last symptoms to improve with treatment.  St John’s Wort is a traditional herbal medicine used to treat mild to moderate depression and can also lift an associated low sex drive through a beneficial effect on brain neurotransmitters such as serotonin.  It also inhibits pituitary secretion of prolactin – a hormone associated with a dramatic loss of libido.  In post-menopausal women experiencing low sex drive plus physical exhaustion, taking St John’s Wort helped 60% became interested in sex again within three months.  Before the trial, two out of three women said they were too exhausted for sex.  At the end of the trial, none of them felt that way.  Self-esteem and self-confidence also improved.
Dose: 300 mcg – 600 mcg hypericin three times daily.  If you are taking other medicines, check with a pharmacist for potential interactions.

If your low sex drive continues, seek medical advice as hormone replacement therapy or other treatments may help.

Adapted from Overcoming Low Sex Drive* which includes twelve nutritional medicine plans – five for men and seven for women – to help boost your low libido, whatever the underlying cause.  Available now from Amazon £6.99 in Paperback and also available in Kindle format.

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